Friday, October 16, 2009

Earn with Likaholix

Likaholix is a new Social Bookmarking site in the block. This site is run by Google's ex-employees. I joined them very recently and I really am liking it. They also have the facility to share our likes on Twitter, Facebook & FriendFeed.

As they say, they are still in the beta stage. One notable thing about them is that they conduct contest and award cash prizes ranging from $10 to $200. All you have to do is just collect five to ten of your favorite sites based on the topic they give you and submit it to the contest. That's it! If your likes are the best, you win the contest. You never know, you can get lucky :)

To participate in the contest and win cash prizes, follow these steps:

  1. First, Sign up at Facebook & confirm your e-mail (If you already have an account with Facebook then you may skip this first step)
  2. Sign up Likaholix & confirm your e-mail
  3. Login to your Likaholix account and click on the MyLikes link at the top of the page (next to the "Home" link)
  4. Enter something (literally anything) in the search box. For example, cars, The Exorcist, Obama, Lady Gaga, etc and Click on the "Look up" button.
  5. It will bring you a list of suggested links. Choose anyone of those links which is of your interest and Click on the "Select" link (can be seen to the right of each item (or link) displayed)
  6. Now write some comment if you want to or leave that blank.
  7. The important part is this - Share your like to Facebook. By clicking on Facebook, you will be asked to sign in to your facebook account (in a new pop up window).
  8. Sign in to Facebook and finally click Submit button for your like.
Voila! You are done! :)

Happy liking with Likaholix!