Friday, December 19, 2008

Find everything uploaded on Rapidshare

As you all might know, Rapidshare is a Premium File Hosting Service. Even though, it's time limit and download limit are annoying for the free users, the premium users benefit much out of it for it is one of the very few file hosting services with real decent download speed and with NO pop-ups.

I here would be explaining three very simple ways to find almost everything that is hosted (or "uploaded", to keep it simple) on Rapidshare.

Let's screw Rapidshare Lol

Find things uploaded On Rapidshare Using Google

Copy the following code and paste it on your Browser's address bar:

This will give you links of all the files (of the format .rar OR .zip OR .pdf OR .exe) that are uploaded on Rapidshare.

Find Movies in particular

Let's say you don't really give a damn about the .rar or zipped files and you only want to find the movies that are uploaded on Rapidshare then copy the following code and paste it on your Browser's address bar

This will give you the links of all the movies that are of format .wmv OR .avi OR .3gp OR .mpeg OR .rm

Note: The .3gp files will mostly (and not necessarily) be either MMS Clips or movies that are converted for viewing in Mobile Phones.

You can use this same logic for various other file formats and any specific file/movie/album as well. You might hit the gold if it already has been uploaded on Rapidshare. Replace the URL in codes to from if you want to find the files on – Simple!

This is the manual way of searching for Rapidshare files. Obviously, there are many Rapidshare search engines over the net.
You very well can use them whereas this manual search is fun, isn’t it?